In Memoriam

Posted by & filed under Cincinnati, Family.

We wanted to take a moment for the November 11th holiday to say: thank you, you’re appreciated, we miss you and so much more. We all have family & friends who have served, some who continue to serve, and some who have endured great loss. Our hearts go out to you and we think of you daily. War is not a happy thing, but it’s a reality in our world. We are fortunate to know men & women who serve so wholeheartedly and without fear.

We wanted to share this video about Veteran’s Day. Specifically, a homage to our grandfathers and their generations great conflict. Never has America been in a struggle where good & evil were so clearly defined. We miss our grandparents and we are proud to know they did not shy away from danger or struggle in the least. Happy Vet’s Day.


City Flea

Posted by & filed under Cincinnati, Local, News.

We’re stoked to participate next season and sell some of our wears. We’ve been big fans of this event for a while and we know you probably are to. Stay tuned and we’ll let you know when we’ll be there so you can stop by and say hello!

Finn Meadows

Posted by & filed under Cincinnati, Food, Lifestyle, Local, Stuff We Like.

Mark is the man in charge at Finn Meadows Farm (along with his wife Claire, the woman in charge) — It’s a humble operation nested in rural glory amidst the bustling highways of Cincinnati. It’s always a surprise to come upon it so close to a metropolitan area and immediately feel that sense of space. Mark graduated from Harvard, but instead of following his classmates and seeking conventional jobs — he took a different and more adventurous course and started a sustainable farm. Finn Meadows is an organic operation and wholesomely diverse (Fruits, Veggies, Fowl, Bovine, Pigs to name a few of their endeavors). It’s great to talk to Mark and learn about his way of doing things on his farm. He favors the simple & responsible solutions to the easy quick ones and the man works tirelessly to see them through. We’re happy to know him, a gentlemen in spirit and a fellow in following his heart.

[Mark's wearing the Earnest Slim Straight in this photo]